NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting14
Start-up Inspection Checklist
While the equipment is operating, ensure that:
The sight glass moisture sensor is green.
The current draw of all fan motors, heaters, compressors, humidifiers, transformers, and fans for each
mode of operation (cool, reheat, dehumidify, humidify) are within the ratings of their circuit breaker.
1. Record the current at the main power connection of the main circuit breaker.
2. Record all current draws on the load side of any circuit breakers used for each device.
3. Compare the circuit breaker setting for each device to the actual current measured and the full load
amps of the device to verify that the current draws are acceptable.
Compressor suction and discharge pressures are recorded.
Superheat and sub-cooling temperatures are recorded.
The equipment is free from malfunctions, including refrigeration leaks, unusual vibrations, or other
irregularities in each mode of operation.
The low pressure switch is operating correctly.
1. Disconnect power to the liquid line solenoid at the wiring harness connector.
2. Record the low-pressure shutoff point with a manifold.
3. Reconnect the wiring harness to the solenoid.
The high-pressure switch is operating correctly.
1. Shut down the condenser.
2. The head-pressure will rise until the high-pressure switch shuts down the compressor.
3. Record the shutoff point.
4. Restore power to the condenser.
5. Manually reset the high head pressure switch.
The cool, reheat, dehumidification, and humidification cycles engage.
Filters are clean and free of debris.
The clogged filter alarm is operating properly.
1. Cover 2/3 of the filter area.
2. Check the display interface for a Filter Clogged alarm condition
Setpoints for the following are recorded:
• Condenser fan minimum starting pressure.
• Condenser fan speed control operating range.