49NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
View Status Readings
The display interface has several options for viewing the status of the System, its Modules, and the
environment being controlled. The status readings for Modules are available under the Main Module
and Expansion Module # options, and status readings for the System are available under the System
Status option or on the scrolling status screens.
Note: Only the Main Module of a System has a display interface. Return temperature and
humidity readings displayed on the scrolling status screens are an average of the readings from
each of the Modules.
If the System is off, the readings will be the values from the sensors of the Main Module.
Scrolling status screens
When the display interface is idle, it scrolls through nine screens of status information. Press the up or
down arrow key to interrupt the automatic scrolling and view a specific status screen.
Module status
Paths: Main > Status > Main Module
Main > Status > Expansion Module 1
The Module status screens contain information for each Module in a System.
Temp & Humidity. View temperature and humidity readings at the supply, return, and remote sensors
for each Module. This screen has the same format as the Temp & Humidity scrolling status screen, but
the values displayed are only for the selected Module.
Pressures. View the differential pressures at the coil and the filter for this Module.
Run hours. View the total time each component has been running.
• Clear Total: Reset the run hours for the displayed component to zero.
• Reset Maint Alarms: Clear the maintenance alarm for the displayed component. The alarm will
occur when the run hours reach the next maintenance interval.
See “Maintenance intervals” on page 40 for instructions on scrolling and clearing the
total hours.
About Module. View identifying information that is helpful when obtaining service:
• Manufacturer Name
• Model Number
• Date of Manufacture
• Serial Number
• Firmware Revision
• Hardware Revision
Humidifier Status. View the humidifier output, the amount of current drawn by the humidifier, and the
conductivity of the water in the humidifier cylinder in this Module.
Water Temps. View the coil fluid inlet temperatures for the coolant.
Blower [#] Status. View the status of blower 1 and blower 2 and the variable frequency drives that
control the blowers.
Compressor Status. View the suction and discharge pressures for the Module and the operating (on or
off) status of each compressor. The condenser fluid valve position is also displayed on this screen.