15NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Final Inspection Checklist
Owner Acceptance
To ensure proper unit operation and trouble free operation the following procedures must be completed
and filed with the customer for future reference.
• Review installation of the equipment. Verify that installation is in compliance with Installation
manual instructions/recommendations.
• Complete start-up checklist and file with owner and factory to activate warranty policy.
• Train personnel responsible for maintenance and minor adjustments to temperature & humidity
set points.
• Recommend spare parts for the owner to keep on hand, especially for critical operation
• Offer a list of contacts for service, technical assistance, replacement parts.
Ensure that:
The system interior and exterior are clean and free from debris.
Installed options (smoke detectors, firestat, water detector, remote sensor, remote relay shutdown, dry
contact alarm, essential/non-essential lockout, Redundant Unit Group control, condensate pump, etc.)
are operating correctly.
Setpoints and deadbands are set.
Packaging materials are disposed of properly.
You have sent the start-up form to APC.