
Program *69-1 CNIS Presentation Parameters
Strata DK Programming 5/00 7-43
Program *69-1 CNIS Presentation Parameters
Processor Type: DK40i, all RCTUs (Release 4.0 or higher) and BCUs
Program Type: Trunk, PRI and BRI
Initialized Default: None
Program *69-1 Overview
This program defaults all ports to the 00 index, which means that outgoing calls will present the
Directory Number entered in Program *68-2 as the Calling Number for outbound calls. Each
station on the Strata DK can send a unique number based on the station making the call assigning
an index other than 00, and entering the number as Type 2 to be used in Program *69-2 or send a
Type 1 DID number by entering a prefix code to create a complete number.
Note If the PSTN is to use this number for billing the call, the number sent must match those
provided by the PSTN.
   6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG
Station Ports
Enter Station Port(s)
To add a range, enter
XXX*XXX (low port * high port)
SEL = 1
CG = Channel Group (1~8)
INDX = Index Number (00~32)
Index 00 uses default value assigned in*68-2.
All others use values assigned in *69-2