System & Station
Program 59 – Attendant Console Flexible Button Codes
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-141
System & Station
Program 59 Overview
Attendant Consoles have 24 flexible buttons (12 on left and 12 on the right side of the dial pad).
This program is used to assign each button to an available function or options. Program 59 record
sheets define the button options (and codes) available.
Table 3-4 Required PC Attendant Console Button Codes
Button Function Button Labels Code Notes
Conference Conf 297 Starts conference calls.
Hold Recall Hold-RC 259 Held calls recall on this button.
Incoming Dial “0” In-Dial “0” 262 Dial “0” calls ring in on this button.
Incoming Directory Number In-DN 257
Incoming calls to the console DN ring on
this button. The console [DN] is the Prog
04 assignment of the Prog 04 console
port number.
Incoming Ring Transfer In-Trans 258 Receive call transfer.
Join-Loop Join-Loop 293 Connects any held call to an existing call.
Out Dial Out Dial 294
Switches ATTD consoles dial pad from
digital to tone mode.
Redial Last Number () Redial or RDL 496 Redials the last number.
Release to Idle Release Call or RLS 476
Releases current call and makes station
Speed Dial Select (✱) Speed Dial or SDS 497 Begins speed dial selection.
Split Call Split 295
Allows attendant to talk to either party
separately on a conference call.
Supervised Loop Sup Loop 296
Places call on attendant hold loop key so
attendant can supervise call.
Transfer Recall Trans-RC 260
No answer transferred calls, recall on this
Attendant Call Attd Call 000
Can originate calls on this button. The
Attendant Call LED is lit red any time the
attendant talk path is connected.
Table 3-5 Recommended PC Attendant Console Button Codes
Button Function Button Labels Code Notes
Display BLF BLF 298 Displays BLF on CRT or EL display.
Incoming Emergency In-Emrg 261
Indicates to all consoles an incoming
emergency call.
Message Waiting/Flash Msg Wait, Flash or MW/FL 499
Indicates a message from station or VM
device to Attendant. Disconnects and
recalls dial tone on CO line; accesses
Centrex or PBX features; enters pause or
flash during speed dial programming.
Overflow Overflow 299 Places console in the call overflow mode.
Park Recall Park-RC 263 Parked calls recall on this button.
Table 3-6 Incoming Line Group Button Assignments
In-LG1~241 In-LG5~245 In-LG9~249 In-LG13~253
In-LG2~242 In-LG6~246 In-LG10~250 In-LG14~254
In-LG3~243 In-LG7~247 In-LG11~251 In-LG15~255
In-LG4~244 In-LG8~248 In-LG12~252 In-LG16~256