First-time Programming
Strata DK Programming 5/00 1-15
♦ Timed Reminders
♦ Digital Telephone Volume Levels
♦ Call Forward Memory (Power Off, then On).
♦ Station Message Waiting Status
♦ Caller ID Lost Call Memory
2. Install all PCBs. Run Program 91-1 to inform the software of the system hardware
Step 3: Run Programs 03 and 19-1
1. Run Program 03 for all PCBs that have options.
2. Run Program 19-1 to inform the software of the system option Alternate BGM slot.
Step 4: Run Program 00
➤ Run Program 00 - Part 1 to assign remote maintenance security codes. Run Program 00 - Part
2 to test the processor and RAM.
Step 5: Set Date, Time and Day
You can set date, time and day anytime - individually or all.
1. Use DKT or EKT assigned to logical Port 000 or attendant console.
2. Make sure the handset is on-hook.
3. Set the date:
4. Set the time:
5. Set the day:
Step 6: Run Additional Programs as Required
Date in year/month/day format
(YYMMDD). If month or day is
single digit, precede with a zero.
Time in hours/minutes/seconds format (HHMMSS
from 000000 to 235959). If any of these values is
single digit, precede with a zero.
Enter the digit for today’s day:
= Sunday
= Monday
= Tuesday
= Wednesday
= Saturday