System & Station
Program 35 – Station Class of Service
3-104 Strata DK Programming 5/00
LED 06: Disable Hold Display Scrolling (Release 3.2)
If LED 06 is On, Hold Display scrolling is disabled. Also, a telephone LCD cannot display which
CO lines are on hold on a [PDN] if the
6FUROO button is pressed. Hold Display causes the [DN]
button LED, of the line displayed on the LCD, to flash at a fast rate. If LED 06 is Off, Hold
Display Scrolling is enabled. Prior to Release 3.2, Hold Display Scrolling was always enabled.
Hold Display Scrolling requires an LCD telephone.
LED 05: LCD Individual Message
This option defines which ports can allows LCD digital and electronic telephones to store up to 10
personal messages. It offers the option of entering alphanumeric memos for each of the LCD’s
station speed dial numbers. See the record sheet legend for the maximum stations that can have
this option:
A low port must be disabled (LED 05 Off) before adding a port above the initialized ports.
LED 04: Message Waiting (RCV)
If the message waiting indication is not desired on an electronic, digital or standard telephone, this
program can be used to deny it. This does not affect that station’s ability to send a message waiting
indication to another station ([PDN] or [PhDN]). Do not use this option to enable/disable MW
lamps on standard telephones; use LED 03 below for standard telephones.
LED 03: Standard Telephone Message Waiting Lamp Enable
This option is used to identify which station ports are connected to Standard Telephones (2500 or
500 type telephones) that have Message Waiting Lamps. LED 03 should be turned On for all
Standard Telephones ports that should support Standard Telephone Message Waiting lamps; LED
03 must be turned Off for all other station ports including digital and electronic telephone ports
that support Message Waiting LEDs. This also applies to Voice Mail ports.
Important! Standard telephones that require the Message Waiting Lamp functions must be
connected to an RSTU2 PCB. Only one standard telephone with Message Waiting
Lamp is allowed to be connected to each RSTU2 port.
LED 02: LCD Type 32/12
Digital and 6000/6500-series LCD electronic telephones have 32-character displays. Therefore,
assignments should be left in the initialized state of 32 characters. LED 02 must be On to receive
the voice mail message waiting indication.
LED 01: LCD Display
This option should be used (LED 01 On) for all stations (even non-LCD), unless it is desired to
disable the station's LCD and message waiting functions.