
From this item,you can setyour audio
output preference tothe TV speakers
or theaudio receiver speakers. When
this item is set toAudio Receiver.
theTV remote can be used to adjust
or mute the volmne of theaudio.
This item will be grayed out unless
a REGZA-L[NK compatible audio
receiver isconnected.
Note: When you turn on the Audio Receiver,
change its input source, or adjust the sound
volume, the sound will be output from the audio
receiver's speakers even ff TV Speakers has
been selected. Turn the TV off and on again to
output the sound from the TV speakers.
To set the REGZA-LINK <_>Setup:
1 From the Setup menu, highlight REGZA-LNK
Setup and press @.
2 Press A or V to highlight Enable REGZA-LIRK.
3 Press 4 or _ to select 0u.
Note: If you select Enable REGZA-UHKOff, the
other items will be grayed out.
4 Press A or V to highlight the REOZA-LINRSetup
item you want to use, and press 4 or _ to select
0u or desired mode.
*TV Auto [uput Switch: Ou/Off
*TV Auto Power: Ou/Off
*Device Auto Standby: On/Off
° Speaker Preference: TVSpeakers/Audio Receiver
5 To save the new settings, highlight D0ue and press
@E_.To revert to the factory defaults, highlight
Resetand press @.
DisplayingTV status information
To display TV status information using
Press O on the remote control.
The following information will display (if applicable):
* Current input (ANT/CABLE,VIDEO1, etc.)
*If ANT/CABLE is the cun'ent input, either "CABLE"
(for cable TV) or "ANT" (l_r over-the-air broadcasts).
®Channel nmnber (if in ART/CABLEmode)
®Channel label (if set)
®Digital signal strength indicator (bar graph in lower
right corner of box: t\_rATSC signal only)
®Stereo, Mono or SAP audio status (when HDMI input
mode, Dolby Digital or PCM)
®Video resolution
®Aspect ratio of incoming video signal (4:3 or 16:9)
®V-Chip rating status
®Game Timer (if set)
To close the RECALL screen:
Press O again.
To display TV status information using INFO:
Press O on the remote control.
The following additional information will display for
off air digital channels (if applicable):
*Detailed description
Note: The location of the banner can be moved
to the top or bottom of the screen by pressing A
or V while the RECALL or INFO display is on-
Understanding the auto power off
The TV will automatically turn itself off alter
approximately 15minutes if it istuned to a vacant
channel or a station that completes its broadcast for the
day.This feature functions in ART/CABLEmode only.
Understandingthe last mode
If the prover is cut off while you are viewing the
TV, the Last Mode Memory feature automatically
turns on the TV when the power is resupplied.
Note: If it's possible, and you will be away
from the TV for an extended period of time you
should unplug the power cord.
40_46 55G300U EN-ASindb 58 2010/3/16 T£-05:44:19