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Programmingthe remotecontrol
to controlyourotherdevices
Your Toshiba TV remote control is preprogrammed
to operate most Toshiba devices. To program your
TV remote control to operate a non-Toshiba device
(or a Toshiba device that it is not F_reprogrammed to
operate), follow the steps below. For details on using
the remote control to operate the device, see page 23.
1 In theremote control code table (E,rpage26), find the
code for your device. If more than one code islisted,
try eachone separately until youfind one thatworks.
2 Setthe NODESELECTswitchtothetype ofdevice you are
l)rogrammingtheremotecontrolto opera_,e-- CABLE/
SAT(for acable converterboxor satellitereceiver),AUX
1(foraVCR orTV/VCRcombo), orAUX2 (for aDVD
player orHTIB[hometheater inaboxl).
3 While holding down 0 , press the Channel Number
buttons to enter the 3-digit code for your device.
4 Totest thecode, turn on the device, pointthe remote
control at it, and press _ . See notes below.
, Ifthe correct code was entered, the device will
turn off.
, Ifthe device does notrespond, repeat steps l_t
using another code.
, Ifthe device does notrespond to another code,
youwill need to use the remote control that came
with the device.
5 Remember to setthe NODESELECTswiichback to
"TV" to control the TV.
Forfuture reference, writedown the code(s) you used:
• In addition to POWER,confirm thatall necessary
keys on the TVremote control operate your device.
If some keys are not operational repeat the device
code setup using another code (ifother codes
are listed for your device). If, after trying alllisted
codes, the necessary keysdo not operate your
device, use the device's original remote control.
Every time you change the batteries, you will need
to reprogram the remote control.
Some newer VCRsrespond to either of two codes.
TheseVCRs have a switch labeled "VCR1/VCR2."
If your VCRhas this kind of switch and does not
respond to the codes for your VCRbrand, setthe
switch to theother position ("VCR1"or "VCR2")
and reprogram the remote control.
_0__6 55G300U EN-ASindb 25 2010/3/16 T@ 05:48:33