ConflecUflg a DVD player with ColorStream®(component video), a VCR,
arid a sateJJJte receiver
TV backpanel
From antenna
Satellite receiver with componentvideo or
DVDplayerwith componentvideo
You will need:
• coaxial cables
• standardA/V cables
If you have a mono YCR, connect L/MONO
on the TV to your VCR'saudio out terminal
using the white audio cable only
• standard audio cables
• component video cables
Youcan connect the component video cables
(plus audio cables) from the DVD player or
satellite receiver to the Co/erStream terminal
on the TV.TheColorStream HD terminal
can be used with Progressive (480p, 720p)
and Interlaced (480i, 1080i) scan systems.
A 1080i signal willpmvide the bestpicture
performance (1080p is not supported).
If your DVDplayer or satellite receiver does
not have component video, connect a
standard A/V cable to VIDEO 2 on the side
panel. If your DVDplayer has HDMI video,
see page 16.
To view antenna or Cable channels:
Select the ANT/CABLE video input source on the TV.*
To view the DVD player:
Turn ON the DVD player. Select the Co[orStream HD
video input source oll the TV.*
To view satellite programs using the
component video connections:
Turn on the satellite receiver. Select the Co[orStream
HDvideo input sourceon the TV.*
To view the VCR or view and record
antenna channels:
TurnON the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel you want
to watch. Select the VIDEO1 video input source on theTV.*
To record a TV program while watching a DVD:
Turn ON the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel to
record. Select the C0[orStream HDvideo input source
on the TV* to view the DVD.
,,- To select the video input source, press INPUTon
the remote control (t=_page 22). To program the
TV remote control to operate other devices, see
Chapter 3.
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