After the time zone has been set, you will be asked to
set the current Daylight Saving Time status.
To set the Daylight Saving Time status:
1 Press 4 or _ to select Yes or No, highlight [}one,
and then press @.
Viewing the system status
To view the system status:
I Press O and open the Setupmenu.
2 Highlight Installati0nand press @.
3 A new set of Installation menu icons will appear.
Open the System Status menu, highlight System
Inf0rmati0., and press @.
4. Press 41_ to scroll through the menu bar to select
view the related information.
To close the screen and return to the
Installation menu:
Highlight [}oue and press @_.
To return to normal viewing:
Press O.
ResetFactory Defaults
To reset all settings and channels to their
factory default values:
I Press © and open the Setupmenu.
Highlight Installationand press @. A new set of
Installation menu icons will appear.
3 Open the System Status menu, highlight System
Information,and press @.
4. Press ,_t_ to scroll through the menu bar to select
5 Highlight Yesand press @.
6 (If PIN cc×te has been set, enter your PIN code. Press
4 or _ to select [}oRe and press @.) A warning
message will appeal: select Yes and press @, the TV
will turn off automatically after a few seconds. After
the TV turns off, unplug the TV power coM and then
plug it in again to complete the reset process.
To cancel the reset:
Select No and press @ in step 5 above.
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