Term What it means
No deco (No
stop time)
Any dive which permits a direct, uninterrupted
ascent to the surface at any time.
No dec time Abbreviation for no decompression time limit.
OC Open-circuit. Scuba that exhausts all exhaled gas.
Oxygen limit fraction. The diver’s current oxygen
toxicity exposure.
Oxygen percentage or oxygen fraction in the
breathing gas. Standard air has 21% oxygen.
Partial pressure
of oxygen (O2)
Limits the maximum depth to which the nitrox
mixture can be safely used. The maximum partial
pressure limit for enriched air diving is 1.4 bar (20
psi). The contingency partial pressure limit is 1.6
bar (23 psi). Dives beyond this limit risk
immediate oxygen toxicity.
bubble model
Modern algorithm for tracking both dissolved
and free gas in divers.
Repetitive dive
Any dive whose decompression time limits are
affected by residual nitrogen absorbed during
previous dives.