Alarm type Alarm reason
Low priority alarm
followed by 'Start
ascending' beep,
sounded two times.
ASC TIME blinks and an
arrow points upwards.
No-decompression dive becomes a
decompression stop dive. Depth is
below the decompression floor level.
You should ascend to, or above, the
Low priority alarm
followed by Change gas'
beep. The gas mix
percentage value blinks.
Gas change is recommended (Mixed or
CCR mode only). You should change to
a gas more favorable to
decompression. Ascent time
calculation assumes that the gas is
changed and is therefore only accurate
if you have changed the gas
Low priority alarm
followed by "Change
gas" beep, sounded
once. The backlight is lit
and text "Set Point
selected is displayed
The setpoint has been switched
automatically upon reaching the
defined depth (CCR mode only).
Low priority alarm
followed by 'Start
descending' beep.
Mandatory deepstop violated. You
should descend to complete the