Changing gases
When more than one gas mix is defined, you can change between
the defined mixes during a Nitrox dive. When the maximum
operating depth allows for a gas change, the dive computer
prompts you to change the gas. When PO
permits a better
decompression gas to be used, the dive computer prompts it
automatically if it is set as primary.
A dive is always started with Mix1. During the dive, you change to
another mix if it is within the set maximum oxygen partial pressure.
The tissue calculation during the dive is based on the mixes you
have selected as primary gases.
To change gases during a dive:
1. Keep [UP] pressed.
2. Scroll through the gas mixes with [UP] or [DOWN].
3. When the mix you desire is displayed, change to that mix by
pressing [SELECT].
NOTE: It is only possible to change to another gas mix if the gas
is within the set maximum oxygen partial pressure limit. If the set
limit is exceeded, the PO
value for the mix blinks. The mix is
shown, but you cannot select it.