NOTE: If no button is pressed in 15 seconds, the dive computer
will go back to the dive display without changing the gas mix. Upon
ascent, the computer prompts you to change gas when the PO
level you have set for the next mix allows a gas change. The prompt
is a low priority alarm followed by the "Change gas" beep, sounded
once. The Gas mix (O
%He) value blinks.
3.11.3 CCR mode
CCR mode is a dive mode dedicated to rebreather diving.
The CCR mode has the following settings:
CC gases (see
11.3.1 Closed-circuit gases
OC gases (see
11.3.2 Open-circuit gases
Setpoints (see
11.3.3 Setpoints
Personal/altitude adjustment (see
3.16 Personal and altitude
Tank pressure pairing (see
3.25 Tank pressure
Tank pressure alarm (see
3.25.4 Tank pressure alarm
Depth alarm (see
3.8 Depth alarm
Dive time alarm (see
3.13 Dive time alarm
Sample rate (see
3.18 Sample rate
In CCR mode you can define up to three diluent gases and up to
eight bailout gas mixes. Use the setpoint settings to define your
high and low set points and switch depths (see
11.3.3 Setpoints