Maintenance Section 5 Page 25
Close attention must be paid to the “crosshatch” hardsurfacing. This area should be inspected daily. When
the crosshatch is worn down almost to the base metal surface, clean the surface by wire brushing, preheat
to 400°, and apply new underlayment beads to the pattern using E-7018 welding rod, or E-70 series wire.
After the pattern has been established with underlayment beads, apply hardsurface to the pattern. It is rec-
ommended that only one pass (bead) of hardsurfacing be applied. After welding, wrap the upper in a heat
blanket and allow to cool slowly. Apply hardsurfacing on top of each of the underlayment beads. DO NOT
APPLY HARDSURFACE DIRECTLY TO THE PARENT MATERIAL. It is important to use an air operated slag
peener on each pass of weld to relieve stress.
If, as a result of production considerations, the crosshatch pattern has been worn down into the base metal
of the shear upper jaw, the Saber Tip can be used as a guide for build-up to proper profi le prior to applying
new hardsurfacing. If the edge of the Saber Tip has been worn, it will be necessary to remove the tip, rotate
to the new front edge, and bolt into place. The surface of the upper shear face should be built up (using
E-7018 welding rod, or E-70 series wire-following pre-heat procedures) to conform in profi le to the new
Saber Tip edge. Depending upon the model, this surface should be fl ush with the Saber Tip edge to 1/16"
above the edge. Once the surface has been built up and ground to profi le, the crosshatch hardsurface pat-
tern can be applied. Use 1½” spacing in the crosshatch hardsurface pattern, as shown in Figure 5-20.
The area shown in Figure 5-20 must be inspected daily, and maintained whenever the crosshatch pattern is
almost worn down to the base metal surface. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call
the Stanley LaBounty Service Department at (218)-834-6901.
Recommended Hardsurfacing Welding Rod for this
application: Amalloy 814-H