Page 2 Section 5 Maintenance
2,000 HOURS
Visually inspect shear for damage
Inspect all safety decals
Inspect cab protection on excavator
Confi rm all excavator warning systems are operational
Lubricate each side of main pivot group (2 each side)
Lubricate end slide puck assemblies (each side)
Lubricate end of front cylinder pin
Lubricate end of rear cylinder pin
Lubricate boom pivot connection of mounting bracket
Lubricate cylinder connection of mounting bracket
Inspect pinheads and pinkeepers
Inspect all bolts for looseness or damage
Check slide puck /back wear plate gap; refer to manual if gap
exceeds .010" (.25mm)
Check guide blade/Saber Tip gap; refer to manual is gap
exceeds .030" (.75mm)
Check cutting blade gap; refer to manual is gap exceeds
.030" (.75mm)
Inspect Saber Tip; ensure it fi ts squarely in upper jaw
Inspect cross blade for any looseness or damage
Inspect hoses for wear and potential failure
Inspect cylinder for leaks
If rotator equipped:
Grease turntable bearing
Inspect rotation hoses (and hose connections) for wear, leaks,
potential failure
Check rotation assembly bolts
Inspect all bolts connecting turntable bearing to upper head and shear;
replace as needed
Rotate or replace cutting blades, Saber Tip, cross and guide blades
Check slide screw wear; replace if necessary
Inspect upper shear: check build up and hardsurface around blade edges; build
up if needed
Replace wear plates on lower shear if necessary
Check split fl anges and fi tting for looseness; tighten if necessary
Inspect and maintain the lower secondary blade buffer or build-up strip
Replace shear cylinder seals (including Nylock lock ring)
Replace swivel manifold seals (if equipped)