Calling to Request a Message (Polling)
Polling means "picking up" a document that has been left for you at a remote fax
terminal. You can also leave a document in your machine’s memory (on Type I
models) or in the document feeder (Type II models) for other machines to poll
from you.
❐ With polling, telephone line costs are charged to the person receiving the
message (the message receiver).
❐ Polling can only be used when both machines have the Polling feature.
Storing the IDCode
This code can be any four-digit code (using digits 0 to 9 and letters A to F),except
0000 and FFFF. This ID Code is also used ID for Transmission. (see page 64).
Before programming the ID Code, agree with other users in your fax network on
an ID Code.
1. Press the Function key and
6,2,2,2,2,6,1 using ten keypad, then
press the Yes key.
2 If the above display has not appeared,
press the key until the screen is as
shown opposite.
3. Press the Yes key.
4. Input the Polling ID that you will be us-
Example: 0917 , press 0,9,1,7using the
ten keypad.
5. Press the Yes key .
6. Finish: Press the Function key
Message Transmitter
Message Reciever