Possible Problems
You want to take out the document:
Open the operation panel and take out the document.
CAUTION: Do not pull out the document without opening the operation panel
or you will damage the machine.
NOTE: If the document will
not come out, push forward
the two green levers.
After you have removed the
document, replace the levers
and close the panel
You want to send more than 10 pages:
While the last page is being fed in, place more pages (up to 10) in the feeder.
You make a mistake while dialing:
If you have already pressed the Start key, press the Stop key immediately.
If you haven’t pressed the Start key yet, either:
❐ Press the No key: The entire number is deleted. Enter a new number.
❐ Press the Clear key: Only the last digit is deleted.
You find a mistake after scanning (Memory Transmission):
Use Function 21 to clear the memory file. (see page 38)
The Check Display indicator is blinking:
An error has been detected. Follow the instructions on the display. For more
information about error displays see page 97.
Sending a Page With Very Fine Detail
You may wish to send many different types of fax messages. Some of these may
be difficult to reproduce at the other end. However, your machine has two settings
(Resolution and Halftone) that you can adjust to help you transmit your document
with the best possible quality. In this model, contrast is adjusted automatically.
If you are not sure whether your settings are suitable, make a copy of the
document using these settings. The printout shows how the fax message will
look when it is printed at the other end.
❐ If your fax message has more than one page, you can select different settings for each page. For
example, if you wish to use a different resolution just for page 2, change the resolution setting while page
1 is being scanned. Then, while page 2 is being scanned, you can return the resolution setting to the
original setting.
❐ If you try and send a message in fine mode and the receiver does not have this feature, then the message
will be printed in detail mode at the other end.