Setting Your Machine’s Identification
There are three labels with which to identify yourself to the operator at the other
end. These labels are called the RTI, the TTI and the CSI.
❐ RTI (Remote Terminal Identification)and CSI (Called Subscriber Identification):
These appear at the other end in the display on the operation panel during
communication, and on reports after communication.
❐ TTI(Transmit Terminal Identification): This is printed at the other end at the top
of each page received from your machine.
You can see the RTI, TTI and CSI of the other party during communication (see
the following diagram) and on reports printed by the machine later.
Some machines may reject your transmitted fax messages if you have not
stored the RTI or CSI in advance.
NOTE You can switch the TTI off for a particular transmission if you do not wish
it to be printed on your pages at the other end. See page 46.
RTI (Identification Display)
Your RTI appears on the other party’s operation panel during communication if the
other machine was made by the same manufacturer as yours. The RTI can have
up to 20 characters (numbers and letters can be used, along with some symbols).
Program something easy to recognize, such as your name, company name or
department name within the company.
1. Press the Function key and then
6,2,2,2,2,6,1 using the ten keypad,
then press the Yes key.