You can select whether or not your machine transmits a forwarding mark to be
printed at the other end on the top of each page of the output. This mark brings to
the other party’s attention that this message has been forwarded. See page 73 for
more about the Forwarding Mark.
If one of the senders changes their RTI/CSI you must change the stored RTI/CSI,
or you will not be able to forward messages from that sender.
NOTE: First of all, you must program Function 72, see below.
Programming the Forwarding Feature
This procedure shows you how to set up your machine to forward incoming fax
messages to the stations together with a list of Specified Senders’ RTI’s/CSI’s for
each forwarding station. Read through these procedures before you use them,
they are a little complicated.
1. Press the Function key and
6,2,2,2,2,7,2 using the ten keypad, then
press the Yes key.
❐ To print a list, press the key, then press the Start
2. Press the Yes key.
3. Input the telephone number of the for-
warding station using the ten keypad.
❐ The Forwarding Station is the number that you
wish to direct incoming messages to.
❐ If your machine is behind a PBX, add the access
code before the number, unless this Forwarding
Station is an extension connected to the same
PBX as your machine.
❐ If you do not program any sender’s identification,
all incoming messages will be forwarded.
4. Press the Yes key.
5. Either:
❐ If you now wish to specify senders
whose messages should be for-
warded to this station: Press the
Yes key.
❐ If you wish to forward all incoming
messages to this station : Press
the No key, go to step 8.
6. Input the sender’s RTI or CSI, then
press the Yes key. If the display is not
as opposite, press the Yes key again.