Using the TV’s Features
Chapter 2 25
The Sort menu lets you browse programs by category.
The channel to which you are currently tuned is
displayed in the video window.
To Sort:
1. If the GUIDE Plus+ system isn’t on your screen, press
GUIDE on your remote control.
2. Press MENU on the remote to select the Menu bar.
3. Use the arrows to highlight Sort. When Sort is
highlighted for the first time, the Movies category is
displayed. Thereafter, the last category used becomes
the default. A listing of subcategories is displayed
below the category name. Use the left and right
arrows to highlight other categories.
4. Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight a
subcategory. For example, highlight All and press OK
(the GUIDE Plus+ system sorts the programs).
5. Press the up and down arrow buttons to review the
list one program at a time. Press the channel up and
down to review the list one page at a time.
6. Select MENU to return to the menu bar, or press
GUIDE or CLEAR to exit the GUIDE Plus+ system.
Then use the Sort Menu Action Buttons as described
Sort Menu Action Buttons
When viewing the results of a Sort, the following Action
buttons appear:
• Watch Press 1 on the remote to place a timer in the
Schedule, and then follow the on-line help for further
options. Placing a timer in the Schedule will cause the
TV to turn on and tune to the program highlighted in
the channel listing at the predetermined time.
• Record Press 3 on the remote to set the VCR to
record the program highlighted in the channel listing.
If you have a cable box, changing TV channels will
not cause the cable box channel to change while
The program information window will display a
confirmation when you have successfully scheduled a
program to watch or record.
Notes: If you have selected two programs to watch
or record which begin at the same time or overlap,
you will receive a timer conflict message. You must
choose between the two programs.
Be sure that during the GUIDE Plus+ system
setup you specified that you have a VCR.
Sort menu
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