Installation Manual 157
7.2.12 Custom Service Menu Access Count Clear (CCLR)
Each Custom Service has an access counter that counts the number of times the service has
been accessed. This command clears this counter.
Type CCLR, Press Space, and Enter Custom Service Menu (1-100), then Press RETURN.
Custom [100]: Indicates that Custom Service No. is "100".
System: Indicates that "System" prompts are active.
Access: 9: Indicates that the callers have accessed this Custom
Service 9 times. This counter can be cleared. See 7.2.12
Custom Service Menu Access Count Clear (CCLR).
Menu Msg. :None: Indicates that the menu message for this Custom Service
is "None (not recorded)". If menu message is recorded,
"Rec" will appear.
[N]-Xfer Mbx (998): Caller will be sent to General Delivery Mailbox (GDM) if
he dials nothing.
[1]-Custom [1]: Custom Service 1 will play when the "1" key is pressed.
[2]-Custom [2]: Custom Service 2 will play when the "2" key is pressed.
[3]-Custom [3]: Custom Service 3 will play when the "3" key is pressed.
[4]-Dept Dial: Department Dialling menu will play when the "4" is
Custom [100] (System) (Access: 9 ) (Menu Msg. : None)
| < multilingual pick >
[N]- Xfer Mbx (998)
[0 ]- Operator
[1 ]- Custom [1] (System) (Access: 2) (Menu Msg. : None)
| | <English service>
| [N]- Operator
| [0 ]- Operator
| [1 ]- A.A. Service
| [2 ]- V.M.Service
| [3 ]- FAX Transfer
| [ ]- Subscriber
[2 ]- Custom [2] (User -1) (Access: 2) (Menu Msg. : None)
| | <Spanish service>
| [N]- Operator
| [0 ]- Operator
| [1 ]- A.A. Service
| [2 ]- V.M.Service
| [3 ]- FAX Transfer
| [ ]- Subscriber
[3 ]- Custom [3] (User -2) (Access: 3) (Menu Msg. : None)
| | < Vietnamese service>
| [N]- Operator
| [0 ]- Operator
| [1 ]- A.A. Service
| [2 ]- V.M.Service
| [3 ]- FAX Transfer
| [ ]- Exit
[4 ]- Dept Dial
[5 ]- Repeat Menu
[ ]- Exit
[# ]- Main Menu