Installation Manual 155
• If your data terminal supports a high speed, it is recommended that you SAVE at
the maximum speed of 38400 bps. First, change the RS-232C setting of the VPS
(see B7.1 RS-232C Parameters). Next, change the RS-232C setting of your data
terminal to the same speed.
7.2.8 Loading New or Saved Data to the VPS (LOAD)
Use the LOAD command to install new data or to restore saved data to the VPS. Execute this
command for each data file.
When performing this operation, always wait until the process completion indication appears
before proceeding.
Type LOAD, then Press RETURN.
Select the item to be restored to the hard disk, then Press RETURN.
When "CCC" appears, the VPS is ready for loading.
Set the data terminal to the sending (Call) mode (Xmodem). Then enter the backup
filename. Press ENTER. The backup data will be restored to the hard disk.
When the load to the VPS has been completed, power-off and restart the VPS.
• The data terminal that you use must be equipped with communications software
that supports the Xmodem file transfer protocol. The command can be cancelled
by Typing [\] before entering the sending mode. Once the sending mode has been
selected, use the cancel command of the communication software being used.
• If your data terminal supports a high speed, it is recommended that you LOAD at
the maximum speed of 38400 bps. First, change the RS-232C setting of the VPS
(see B7.1 RS-232C Parameters). Next, change the RS-232C setting of your data
terminal to the same speed.
VPS Disk Data Load (PC -> VPS : Xmodem)
1: Program
2: Parameters
3: System Prompts
4. User Prompts-1
5. User Prompts-2
6. Custom Service Menus
7. Personal Greetings
8. Company Greetings
Selection No.:
To start press 'RETURN'
- - - - - - Load Start!!