Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
Data Modules
21-74The Modular Trunk Data Module (MTDM)
The MTDM can be configured to support the Data Call Setup, Modem Pooling, or
Off-Premises Data-Only Extensions features. In addition to the standard data
transmission rates supported by previous versions of the TDM (0.3, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8,
9.6, and 19.2 kbps), the MTDM supports data rates of 56 and 64 kbps for
downloading and other high speed data transfer requirements.
Physical Description
Functional elements
■ Main module — Comes in one version that is common to all modular
modules and provides the basic digital interface and protocol conversion
■ Interface module — Provides an RS-232-C interface
The MTDM is equipped with the following switches:
■ ORIG/DISC — This switch is located on the front panel. It is used when
originating and disconnecting from a call for test purposes.
■ Self-Test — This switch is located behind the front faceplate. Pressing this
button performs the self-test.
■ LOC LOOP/REM LOOP — This switch is located behind the faceplate. It is
used to perform the Local loop test or Remote loop test.
■ Options — The option switches are located behind the front faceplate.
There are two Dual In-line Package switches, one a 10-position, the other a
12-position, located behind the front faceplate. Nineteen of the switches
are used to set the options. The other three are spares reserved for future
The MTDM is equipped with the following lights:
■ Power
■ Data Set Ready
■ Line Status
■ Call in Progress
■ Carrier on
■ Test in Progress
■ Check option
■ Tes t R e su lt