Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
20-3Call Coverage Modules
The C201A Call Coverage Module and the C401A and C401B Call Coverage
Module are identical in appearance, operation, and function. The Call Coverage
Module provides 20 call appearance/feature buttons to supplement those on the
associated voice terminal.
The C201A module and 7205H voice terminal were discontinued
in March 1988. The C102A module has also been discontinued.
The Call Coverage Module can be used with the DEFINITY Communications
System Generic 1, Generic 2, and Generic 3, the DEFINITY ECS, System 75, and
System 85. The C201A is used with the 7205H multi-appearance hybrid voice
terminal (System 85 and G2 only), while the C401A and C401B are used with the
7405D and 7434D voice terminals.
Physical Description
Each of the 20 call appearance/feature buttons has a triangular red light and a
square green status light. The buttons used for features have only a status light.
The module buttons can be used for a variety of purposes:
■ Bridged appearances of extension numbers of other voice terminals
■ Additional appearances of the primary extension number of the voice
terminal to which it is attached (up to a total of 12 for both terminal and
■ Identification of incoming calls for a call coverage answer group, a Direct
Department Calling (DDC) group, or a Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)
■ Optional features as designated by the system manager
Other Physical Features
The Call Coverage Module is mounted to the back of the associated voice
terminal at an angle that allows it to be easily used.
Color Options
The Call Coverage Modules are available in black or misty cream.