
Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
Data Modules
21-11The 7400B and 7400B Plus Data Module
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules support the following test and
maintenance features:
Local Loopback and Remote Loopback
Local Loopback Self Test and Remote Loop Self Test
DCP Looparound
Make Busy on Local Loop
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules have the following basic features and
DCP mode 2 operation only
Full-duplex, 10-bit start/stop, asynchronous operation
Asynchronous data rates of 0.3, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 kbps
Even, odd, mark, and space parity options
Autobaud and autoparity
Linked operation with the associated DCP voice terminal
Data metering — Data metering allows the data module and associated
terminal to operate at higher speeds than the far-end data point.
Supports the semicolon modifier which enables an automatic return to the
command mode after dialing a data call (for 7400B Plus).
Voice Dial (for 7400B Plus) — This feature allows you to initiate voice calls
from your PC using the dial command “atdp number.” These calls must be
terminated manually, however.
Speakerphone Activation before Dialing (for 7400B Plus) — For terminal
dialed voice calls, you can delay speakerphone activation until after a call is
dialed. You would not hear touch tones or dial tone in this case.
Wait Time for Carrier (for 7400B Plus) — The number stored in the
S7 register establishes the time the 7400B Plus data module will wait for
call set up to be completed. This number can be set for any value up to a
maximum of 255 seconds (with a default to 60 seconds).
Data features for host or terminal applications include:
EIA RS-232-D DCE interface
user interface emulation