Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
General Information
2-17Data Modules
stand-alone. Emulates a Hayes-compatible modem, therefore, can be used
with standard PC communications packages. Takes the place of previous
DCP asynchronous data stands.
■ 7400D Data Module — Works as a DCE device between a DTE and the
PBX. A DTE configuration (that is, modem pooling) is not supported, and
the DCE configuration is limited to an Answer-Only-type interface option.
Dates rates range from 0.3 to 19.2 kbps.
■ 8400B Plus — Works as a data service link between a DTE device, a
2-wire voice terminal such as the 8400-Series voice terminals, and a
DEFINITY G3V2 or later. At the desk, the 8400B Plus data module
provides asynchronous communication speeds ranging from 0.3 to
19.2 kbps.
■ Modular Processor Data Module (MPDM) — Works with synchronous
DTE at data rates of 0.3-64 kbps. Also works at full- or half-duplex with
internal or external timing at the appropriate data rates. Supports V.35,
RS-232, and RS-449 interfaces and RS-366 Automatic Calling Unit
interface at the previously mentioned rates. Video codes are an example of
56 or 64 kbps endpoints where calls are set up via the RS-366 interface.
The MPDM also supports asynchronous applications, but the 7400B Plus
supersedes it for applications requiring Hayes emulation and the 7400A
supersedes it for remaining asynchronous applications.
■ Modular Trunk Data Module (MTDM) — Works with a synchronous DCE
in modem pool applications at data rates of 0.3-19.2 kbps. Also works at
full- or half-duplex with internal or external timing at the appropriate
synchronous data rates. The 7400A supersedes it for asynchronous
■ 7500B Data Module — Works with asynchronous or synchronous DCE or
DTE on BRI switch interface (DEFINITY G2 or 5ESS
switch only).
Supports RS-232 and V.35 interfaces and RS-366 Automatic Calling Unit
interface (for the RS-232 interface only).
■ ISDN Asynchronous Data Module (ADM) — Works with asynchronous
DTE as a data stand for 7500-series BRI phones (DEFINITY G2 and 5ESS
switch only). Supports Hayes command set for compatibility with
PC communications packages.
■ DEFINITY High Speed Link — Works with synchronous V.35 DTE at data
rates of 56 kbps half or full duplex or 64 Kbps full duplex. Supports
Permanent (private line type) calls and switched calls. Switched calls can
be set up using either the RS-366 or RS-232 (Hayes ATD command)
interface; via DTR or Hotline dialing; or manually using the front panel call
control feature. Replaces the ACCUNET
MPDM for video, LAN, CC/FEP
and other high speed applications.
■ Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU) — Works with asynchronous DTE at data
rates of 0.3-19.2 kbps. Used where the user has an analog voice phone
and needs basic capabilities for asynchronous terminals as opposed to