
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Page 6-15Call to Non-Local Extension: Message from CO
Call to Non-Local
Extension: Message from CO 6
Possible Cause: If someone calls a non-local extension and connects to a
central office message announcing a misdialed number or some other problem,
the call is routed over a PSTN trunk (PSTN facility pools rather than tandem trunk
pools are sometimes assigned to secondary UDP routes such as Routes 3 or 4).
Problems can occur when the programming for a PSTN route does not at least
prepend the correct digits (as in 555, for a local access call, or 1555 for a toll
access call prefixed before a 4-digit extension number) and possibly absorb digits
as well, in order for the call to be directed properly.
What to Do:
Check the UDP range for the pattern to which the dialed extension is
assigned. See “Reviewing the Non-Local Dial Plan and Routing” on page 3
If there is no error in the local programming and there is an intervening system
between yours and the system where the destination extension is located, speak
with the coordinating system manager. The coordinating system manager should
check the intervening system’s UDP tables for proper digit manipulation. He or
she can determine whether the routing problem is on that system.
If this is not the problem, call the Lucent Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888;
consultation charges may apply.
Transfer to Non-Local
Extension Not Completed 6
There are several possible causes for an incomplete transfer. They are very easy
to check.
Do Not Disturb. Calls transferred to non-local extensions that have Do Not
Disturb active, using tie tandem trunks, do not return and the caller hears
busy. The exception is a transfer that is routed over PRI tandem trunk that
is manually completed. In this case, the transfer returns as an incomplete
Transfer from PassageWay Telephony Services Client. Transfers with
consultation cannot be made from PassageWay Telephony Services
clients to non-local extensions. The user must make such a transfer by
using a telephone.
PassageWay Telephony Services clients cannot use an application to
transfer calls across the private network. The user must make transfers
manually using a telephone. If the transfer recipient is a PassageWay