Network Management
Page 5-1
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Network Management 5
This chapter summarizes the system programming required in order to set up and
maintain a system within a private network. Full details of all procedures, including
step-by-step programming instructions are included in
System Programming
Before performing the system programming procedures outlined here, you should
review the preceding chapters carefully.
This chapter includes the following major topics that summarize programming
procedures for networking-only features, settings, and facilities:
■ Non-Local Dial Plan Numbering
■ Switch Identifiers
■ Primary Rate Interface (PRI) Facility Switch Type (for tandem PRI trunks
■ Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) Routing
■ Display Preferences for Intersystem Calling
Each of the above topics presents planning guidelines, a list of tasks associated
with programming the feature, and summary programming procedures.
In addition, other system programming procedures that are not new or enhanced
for networking still require special planning and sometimes special programming
for systems in private networks. These operations are described in the next topic.