
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Page 6-3Troubleshooting Guidelines and Preparation
The next topic provides specific information to help you review non-local
extension ranges, patterns, and routing on your system. This information is
required for several of the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter.
Reviewing the Non-Local Dial Plan and Routing 6
Some of the troubleshooting steps in this chapter require that you review the
extension ranges programmed in the non-local dial plan and/or the routing for
private network calls. Use one of the following three methods to do this:
System Form. Check System Non-Local UDP Administration Form in the
Installation Specification before proceeding. This form summarizes the
extension ranges and routing for the patterns programmed in your system.
For each route, the pool number, programmed digit manipulation, the
Facility Restriction Level (FRL) value are listed, and the voice/data attribute
is listed.
System Report. To see a system print report of existing non-local
extension ranges, patterns, and routes, select the
3ULQW option on the
System Programming menu and then choose
1RQ/FO8'3. Appendix B,
“Network Reports,” includes a sample.
System Programming. To check the current call routing on a system,
consult “UDP Routing” in Chapter 4 of
System Programming
. Alternatively,
follow one of the summary procedures listed below, starting from the
System Programming menu on your console or PC.
Console Procedure
7DEOHV8'35RXWLQJPress Inspct to view current
patterns in use
([LWDial the number of the pattern
that you want to review
(QWHUPress Inspct to
view the current routing for the pattern
view prepended digits, dial route number
'LJLWVview current digits([LW([LW
PC Procedure
to view current patterns in
Enter the number of the pattern that you
want to review
to view the current
routing for the pattern
to view the prepended
digits dial the route number
view current