MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Page xii
2–20 Scenario 4: Facilities Planning, Calls Originating
within the Network and Going to the PSTN,
Systems E and H 2-82
2–21 Scenario 4: Facilities Planning, Calls Originating
within the Network and Going to the PSTN,
Systems F and G 2-84
2–22 Outside Calls: Scenario 4 2-86
2–23 UDP Extension Ranges: Scenario 5 2-92
2–24 Scenario 5: Facilities Planning, Calls Originating
within the Private Network and Going to the PSTN 2-93
2–25 Outside Calls: Scenario 5 2-95
2–26 Intersystem Calling: Scenario 5 2-97
3 Feature Interactions 3-1
3–1 Cross-Network Display Information 3-15
4 Security 4-1
4–1 Calling Restrictions and Security Feature Planning
in Networks 4-3
4–2 Recommended Settings for Tie and Non-Tie Default
COR and Callback 4-9
4–3 Facility Restriction Levels 4-11
5 Network Management 5-1
5–1 Cross-Network Display Information 5-11
B Sample Reports B-1
B–1 Sample Report Pages B-1
B–2 System Reports B-2