Path: MENU>Main menu>Installation>LNB
{ON} Default setting
{OFF} Operation without LNB signal (e.g. on special
multi-subscriber systems)
{OFF} Default setting
On standalone systems only use the {OFF} setting, otherwise
the receiver will also supply power to the LNB in standby.
This may cause the power consumption of the receiver to
increase from the typical value of 2 Watts to as high as
10 Watts in standby.
{ON} The LNB voltage remains switched on in
standby e.g. to supply power in an appropriate
multi-subscriber system.
LNB settings
In standby
VCR record
The VCR Scart socket has two different modes for
automatic VCR recording with the timer function:
Standard The video signal (pin 19 on VCR Scart socket)
to the VCR is always available.
Pin 8 on the VCR Scart socket (switching
voltage) is switched as an input, meaning
that when you press the playback button on
your video recorder, your satellite receiver
automatically switches the video and audio
signals coming from the video recorder to the
TV Scart socket via the VCR Scart socket and
from there to the TV set.
For timer-controlled video recordings in
standard mode you must enter identical start
and end times on your video recorder and in
the “Timer Programming” menu.
Sat Record The video output signal (pin 19) from the VCR
is always available.
When a timer event is active i.e. when the unit
switches to the channel to be recorded at the
pre-programmed time,12 V is output at pin 8
of the VCR Scart socket.
A “Sat Record”-compatible video recorder
detects this voltage and automatically switches
to record.
When the timer recording is fi nished, pin 8
is switched back to input mode and is again
ready to relay the VCR signal on playback.