Chapter 2---System Description
X_BLU+ Output of horizontal blue convergence amplifier
Y_RED+ Output of vertical red convergence amplifier
Y_GRN+ Output of vertical green convergence amplifier
Y_BLU+ Output of vertical blue convergence amplifier
X_RED- Current feedback of horizontal red convergence amplifier
X_GRN- Current feedback of horizontal green convergence amplifier
X_BLU- Current feedback of horizontal blue convergence amplifier
Y_RED- Current feedback of vertical red convergence amplifier
Y_GRN- Current feedback of vertical green convergence amplifier
Red Yoke Connector
H_RED_YOK+ Top of red horizontal yoke
H_RED_YOK- Bottom of red horizontal yoke
RED_LOCK+ Interlock for red yoke. 5 V when closed or 15 V when open.
RED_LOCK- Interlock for red yoke. 5 V when closed or 0 V when open.
V_RED_YOK+ Top of red vertical yoke
V_RED_YOK- Bottom of red vertical yoke
X_RED_YOK+ Top of red horizontal convergence yoke
X_RED_YOK- Bottom of red horizontal convergence yoke
Y_RED_YOK+ Top of red vertical convergence yoke
Y_RED_YOK- Bottom of red vertical convergence yoke
Green Yoke Connector
H_GRN_YOK+ Top of green horizontal yoke
H_GRN_YOK- Bottom of green horizontal yoke
GRN_LOCK+ Interlock for green yoke. 5 V when closed or 15 V when open.
GRN_LOCK- Interlock for green yoke . 5 V when closed or 0 V when open.
Current feedback of vertical blue convergence amplifier
2-60 Model 200 Service Manual