Chapter 4---Maintenance (Removal/Replacement)
To remove the Raster Timing Generator, Video Processor, or
System Controller PCBs:
1. Turn off power at the remote control and at the circuit
breaker on the projector rear panel.
2. Remove the projector rear cover.
3. For the Raster Timing Generator and Video Processor
PCBs, grasp the card extractor tabs at both ends of the
boards and pull out. To remove the System Controller
Board, use a small, flathead screwdriver and remove
the screw in the bracket in the center of the System
Controller Board (this bracket holds the SCB to the
card cage). Grasp the bracket and pull out the SCB.
4. When replacing boards, verify that power is off at the
circuit breaker, the power plug is disconnected and
there are no bent pins on any connectors. Make sure
the board is properly and securely seated before
reapplying power.
NOTE: To remove connectors on the printed circuit boards
below, push the connector in slightly, then squeeze the tab and
pull the connector out.
4.9 Convergence/Deflection PCB.
The Convergence/Deflection PCB is located on the bottom side of
the Electronic Module card cage.
To remove the Convergence/Deflection PCB:
1. Remove the rear cover (Section 4.2).
2. Tilt the Electronic Module up. (Section 3.3).
3. Disconnect 6 connectors; J31, J32, J33, J38, J39, and
J40. (Figure 4-6). Move the cables out of the way.
Model 200 Service Manual 4-11