Chapter 2---System Description
• The Power Supply Section is located at the right front area of
the projector below and to the rear of the Arc Lamp. It contains
the Low Voltage Power Supply, the High Voltage Power
Supply, and the Arc Lamp Power Supply.
• The Projector Electronics Section is located mainly in the
back half of the projector. It consists of the Electronics Module
that houses 6 of the electronics printed circuit boards used in
the projector, and their associated cabling. It also contains the
Backplane board which is used to electrically interconnect the
printed circuit boards, power supplies and various other units
in the projector and the Video Input Cards that interface with
different kinds of input signals.
• The CRT Section is located beneath the electronics card cage
and contains the 3 CRTs, 3 Relay Lenses, 3 ILA
s and the
Video Amplifier Board.
2.2 Optical System
Introduction: The Model 200 Optics Assembly divides white light
from the Arc Lamp into its three color components, Red, Green
and Blue. This light is then modulated with the image signal to
form three single color images. The light is then recombined at the
4P (combining) prism and transmitted through the projection lens
to the projector screen. The explanation below is divided into two
sections. The first section follows the image path from the CRT to
the projector screen. The second section follows the high intensity
light path from the Arc Lamp Ignitor to the ILA
assemblies, where
it combines with the image. The Red, Green, and Blue image and
light paths are identical. Refer to Figure 2-1.
CAUTION! The alignment of system optical
components is critical. Replacement of individual mirrors or prisms
requires removing the projector cover and must be performed only
by Hughes-JVC Certified technicians. Consult the factory before
removing or aligning any mirrors or prisms.
2.2.1 Image Path
CRT Assemblies: The three CRT/Yoke assemblies are located
beneath the Electronics Module card cage. Two exhaust fans at
the rear help cool the CRT assemblies. Each CRT is sent a red,
green, or blue signal, but they do not emit a red, green, or blue
color, as in traditional projectors. The CRTs are not used as a
2-2 Model 200 Service Manual