Microwave ovens generate radio frequency energy during operation and
if not installed properly may cause interference to radio and television
reception. You can determine if this unit is causing interference by turning
it on and off while the interference is occurring. If interference occurs, it
may be corrected by one or more of the following measures:
• clean door and seal surfaces of the oven.
• reorient the television or radio receiving antenna.
• relocate the oven with respect to the television or radio receiver.
• plug the oven into a different outlet so that it, and the television or
radio receiver, are on different circuits.
If the interference persists, you may want to consult an experienced radio/
television technician for additional suggestions.
See following page for further instructions on
_lb CAUTION "materials you can use in microwave oven or
to be avoided in microwave oven." Do the test
Personal Injury Hazard below to see if the utensil is safe for use in a
• Tightly-closed microwave oven.
utensils could
explode. Closed Utensil Test:
containers should be 1. Fill a microwave-safe container with 1 cup
opened and plastic of cold water (250 mL) along with the utensil
pouches pierced, in question.
2. Cook on maximum power (P100) for 1
3. Carefully feel the utensil.
If the empty utensil is warm, do not use it for
microwave cooking.
Do not exceed 1 minute testing time.
1. Do not use plastic containers for testing,
2. Some containers and dishware may be
warm (or hot) in only one area. Do not use a
container that becomes warm anywhere.