17. When cleaning door and oven applied with a sponge or soft I
surfaces that meet when door is cloth. (See ' Cleaning'
closed, use only mild, instructions on page 34.)
nonabrasive soaps or detergents
• The oven must be level. • Do not heat baby bottles or baby
• The turntable and turntable roller food in the microwave oven.
rest must be in the oven during Uneven heating may occur and
cooking, could cause physical injury.
• Place the cookware gently on the • Do not heat narrow-necked
turntable and handle it carefully containers, such as syrup bottles.
to avoid possible breakage. • Do not attempt to deep-fry in your
• Incorrect use of browning dish microwave oven.
may cause the turntable to break. • Do not do home canning in this
See page 8. microwave oven as it is
• When using the Popcorn feature impossible to be sure all contents
of this microwave oven, use of the jar have reached boiling
only the bag sizes specified in temperature.
the instruction manual. • Do not use this microwave oven
• Do not pop popcorn except in a for commercial purposes. This
microwave approved popcorn microwave oven is made for
popper or in a commercial household use only.
package recommended • Liquids, such as beverages, that
especially for microwave ovens, are heated in a microwave oven,
can overheat beyond their boiling
• The oven has several built-in
safety switches to ensure that the point without any evidence of
power remains off when the door bubbling. This could result in hot
liquids suddenly boiling over.
is open. Do not tamper with these To prevent this occurrence, the
following steps should be taken:
• Do not operate the microwave (a) Avoid using straight-sided
oven empty. Operating the oven containers with narrow necks.
without any food or food that is (b) Do not overheat.
extremely low in moisture can (c) Stir the liquid before placing
cause fire, charring or sparking, the container in the oven and
• Do not cook bacon directly on the again halfway through the
turntable. Excessive local heating heating time.
of the turntable may cause it to (d) After heating, allow to stand in
break, the oven for a short time,
stirring again before carefully
removing the container,