Item/Amount Course Special Notes
Pizza Slice Pizza should not be frozen. Place precooked
1-6 slices pizza on a paper towel or paper plate. Do not
cover. Place pizza point toward the center,
1 slice (3 oz.) PIZZA SLICE CAUTION: Becareful when eating pizza heated
in the microwave. The pizza surface and sauce
can be very hot,
Cooking Guide
Item/Amount Course Special Notes
Popcorn Follow package directions.
1) Bag should be at room temperature.
1,75oz. - 3.5 oz. 2) Do not use this feature, if popcorn bag size is
other than 1.75 oz. - 3.5 oz.
POPCORN 1) After popping, open bag carefully. Popcorn
and steam are extremely hot.
2) Do not reheat unpopped kernels or reuse bag.
Overcooking can result in an oven fire,
3) Never use a brown paper bag for popping
Baking potatoes Wash, scrub, and pierce potatoes in several
White potatoes places with afork. Place on paper towels.
Sweet potatoes BAKED Arrange potatoes in acircle, end-to-end. Avoid
POTATO placing potatoes in the center of the turntable.
Whole: Allow 5-10 minutes standing time.
1 - 6 potatoes
6- 8 oz. each.
Asparagus, Wash. Prepare and cut into slices, cubes,
broccoli, brussel wedges, orjulienne strips, Place vegetables in
sprouts, 1/2 quart to 2 quart microwave-safe casserole
cauliflower, dish. Add 1 tablespoon of water for every 4
carrots, green FRESH ounce serving. Cover dish with ptastic wrap or
beans, VEGETABLE casserole lid. Stir vegetables if Reminder Beeps
mushrooms, sound. Let vegetables stand for approximately
spinach 2minutes, or until vegetables are desired
4 oz. - 2 Ibs
Broccoli, carrots, Follow package instructions for the quantity
corn, cauliflower, of water to be added. Place vegetables in a
green beans, 1/2to 2 quart microwave-safe casserole dish.
peas, spinach, or FROZEN Cover dish with plastic wrap or casserole lid.
Stir vegetables if Reminder Beeps sound.
these.amixture of VEGETABLE ! Follow package instructions for suggested
standing time, or let stand approximately 3
4 oz. - 2 Ibs minutes, or until vegetables are desired