I Creamy Cooking Time: About 8- 11 minutes I
1 Ib (450 g) cabbage, shredded Place cabbage and water in 2 quart
1/4 cup (50 mL) water (2 litre) microwave-safe casserole.
1 package (3 oz - 85 g) cream cheese, Cover with casserole lid.
cut into cubes Place in oven.
2 tbsp. (30 mL) milk Cook on FRESH VEGETABLE.
1/z tsp. (2 mL) celery seed Stir vegetables if Reminder Beeps
1/2 tsp. (2 mL) salt sound.
Dash pepper Add remaining ingredients except
Chopped parsley parsley. Stir. Cover.
Cook on P100, 4to 5 minutes.
5 - 6 servings Let stand 2 minutes. Stir and sprinkle
with parsley before serving.
I Neapolitan Green Beans Cooking Time: About 7 - 10 minutes I
1 package (10oz - 280 g) frozen green Placegreen beans and water in
beans 1 1/2quart (1 1/2litre) microwave-safe
2 tbsp. (30 mL) water casserole. Cover with casserole lid.
1 small onion, thickly sliced Place in oven.
1/2 cup (125 mL) Italian dressing Cook on FROZEN VEGETABLE.
3 sliced bacon, cooked Stir vegetables if Reminder Beeps
3 - 4 servings Add onion and Italian dressing.
Cover and cook on P100, 2 to 3minutes
or until beans are tender and onion is
transparent, Sprinkle with crumbled
cooked bacon,
Cheesy Broccoli for Two Cooking Time: About 5 - 8 minutes
1 package (10 oz - 280 g) frozen Place broccoli and water in shallow
broccoli spears microwave-safe dish.
2 tbsp. (30 mL) water Cover with plastic wrap. Place in oven.
1/4 cup (1 oz - 30 g) shredded Monterey Cook on FROZEN VEGETABLE.
jack cheese Stir vegetables if Reminder Beeps
2 servings Sprinkle cheese over broccoli. Cook,
uncovered, on P100, 1/2-1 minute.