Table 14. Keyboard shortcuts for menu items (continued)
Action Keyboard shortcut
Activate an item. Enter, space bar, or
accelerator key (if
Display a submenu. Right arrow
Hide a submenu. Left arrow or Esc
Table 15. Keyboard shortcuts for check-box menu items
Action Keyboard shortcut
Navigate in or out of the check-box menu. Arrow keys
Select or clear a check-box menu item. Enter
Hide a check-box menu. Enter
Table 16. Keyboard shortcuts for radio-button menu items
Action Keyboard shortcut
Navigate in or out of a radio-button menu. Arrow keys
Select or clear a radio-button menu item. Enter
Hide a radio-button menu. Enter
Table 17. Keyboard shortcuts for pop-up menus
Action Keyboard shortcut
Display a pop-up menu. Shift+F10
Display a pop-up submenu. Right arrow
Hide a pop-up menu. Esc
Hide a submenu. Left arrow
Navigate within a pop-up menu. Up arrow or down
Activate a pop-up menu item. Enter or space bar
Table 18. Keyboard shortcuts for toolbar
Action Keyboard shortcut
Navigate forward out of the toolbar. Tab
Navigate backward out of the toolbar. Shift+Tab
Navigate within the toolbar. Arrow keys
Activate a toolbar item. Enter
Display the Customized Toolbar menu (when focus is on an icon
on the main IBM Director Console window toolbar).
Table 19. Keyboard shortcuts for tool tips
Action Keyboard shortcut
Display a tool tip. Ctrl+F1
Hide a tool tip. Esc or Ctrl+F1
256 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide