Note: Each ServeRAID controller supports up to eight logical drives. If any of the
existing arrays contain a RAID level-5 Enhanced logical drive, you can have
only seven logical drives on a controller.
For the ServeRAID-8i controller you can configure a maximum of 128
logical drives. For the ServeRAID-7t controller, you can configure a maximum of 24
logical drives.
More information
v Understanding creating spanned arrays
v Creating arrays and hot-spare drives in the wizard
v Configuring RAID and creating arrays (action)
v Example: Express configuration
v Physical drive capacity and unusable capacity
creating spanned arrays:
Note: This feature is not supported on the integrated RAID controller.
When you group one or more arrays together and configure the ServeRAID
controller to access them in a particular pattern, you create a spanned array.
Spanned arrays are used to create logical drives using as many as 60 physical
drives. The ServeRAID controller supports RAID level-00, 10, 1E0, and 50.
More information
v Creating spanned arrays in the wizard
v Understanding RAID level-x0
v Understanding when RAID level-x0 logical drives change state
v Understanding creating basic arrays
v Physical drive capacity and unusable capacity
RAID and creating arrays:
Note: This action is supported on the integrated RAID controller in bootable-CD
mode only.
You can use the Configuration wizard to create up to eight arrays and up to eight
logical drives for each ServeRAID controller. The Configuration wizard provides
two configuration options: Express and Custom. Express configuration
automatically configures your ServeRAID controller. Custom configuration allows
you to configure your controller manually. If you want to use RAID level-1E, RAID
level-5E, RAID level-5EE, or RAID level-x0, you must use Custom configuration.
Note: If you intend to use your ServeRAID controllers in a Microsoft Windows
failover or clustering environment, review the ServeRAID publications
before configuring ServeRAID.
1. In the Enterprise view, click
Note: The integrated RAID controller is displayed in the ServeRAID Manager
Enterprise view as two controller objects. However, you can configure
only one array and RAID level-1 logical drive on an integrated RAID
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 119