The Email Notification Manager interface
The Email Notification Manager consists of the following:
Provides quick-path icons for common tasks.
Email notification list
Displays the recipients configured to receive e-mail notifications.
v The Email Notification Manager menubar
v The Email Notification Manager toolbar
v The Email Notification Manager message format
v Using the management station agent
Modifying logical drives using the Configuration wizard
Understanding logical-drive migration
Logical-drive migration is a powerful and flexible feature of ServeRAID controllers.
You can use logical-drive migration to:
v Change the RAID level of existing logical drives
v Increase array free space, so you can create additional logical drives
v Increase the size of an existing logical drive
You can migrate a logical drive while the server is running with only minor
performance degradation for users during the process. You can start the migration
immediately or schedule it for a later date and time.
HostRAID controllers do not support logical drive migration.
Note: To perform a logical-drive migration, the following must be true:
v For ServeRAID SCSI controllers, no more than seven logical drives
currently exist.
During logical-drive migration, the ServeRAID Manager creates one
logical drive for temporary use. (You must have an extra logical drive
onto which the data can migrate.) The ServeRAID Manager sets this
logical drive to the system state. When migration is complete, this logical
drive is removed.
v The logical drive that you have selected to migrate must be in the okay
v For ServeRAID SCSI controllers, the logical drive cannot be configured
with RAID level-00, 10, 1E0, 50, or 5EE.
a physical drive fails during a logical-drive migration and you are migrating
between RAID levels other than RAID level-0, the migration will continue and
complete. Then, you must replace and rebuild the failed physical drive.
Logical-drive migrations also can recover from a power failure. If power is lost to
the server during a logical-drive migration, the migration will restart as soon as
power is restored, and complete without data corruption.
Note: (Cluster and failover configurations only) A logical drive will not failover
while undergoing logical-drive migration.
172 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide