Rearrange table columns
Drag a table column heading left or right to a new column location to
rearrange table columns.
In addition, the details view of the Group contents pane in the main IBM Director
Console window may be customized by selecting what columns are displayed.
Right-click a column heading and select Customize columns. The Console
Preferences window opens to the Details View Preferences page. Select the
columns you wish to view, then click OK.
Starting tasks
This topic describes how to start tasks in IBM Director.
You can start most tasks in IBM Director in four ways:
v Dragging a task from the tasks pane onto a managed object (or a managed
group, in some cases)
v Dragging a managed object (or a managed group, in some cases) onto a task in
the tasks pane
v Right-clicking a managed object (or managed group, in some cases)
v Selecting the managed object or group, then selecting a task from the menu bar
Throughout this documentation, only dragging a task onto a managed object or
group is explained as the method of starting tasks, although you can use any of
the methods.
Some IBM Director functions, such as the Event Action Plan Builder and Scheduler,
may be started either from the menu bar or from the toolbar.
Note: When IBM Director Console is processing a task, the hourglass is displayed
for that window and you cannot use the mouse to work with the window.
Although it might be possible to work with the window using key strokes,
do not do so.
ServeRAID Manager
Use the ServeRAID
Manager task to configure, monitor, and maintain ServeRAID
adapters or controllers that are installed locally or remotely on servers. You can
view information that is related to controllers, arrays, logical drives, hot-spare
drives, and hard disk drives. Also, you can view configuration settings and events
(which are called notifications in the ServeRAID Manager task) and locate defunct
hard disk drives.
Note: The ServeRAID Manager task for IBM Director is not the same program as
the ServeRAID Manager (Standalone Edition) that is provided with the
ServeRAID hardware option. It is recommended that you not install both
versions on the same system.
Supported IBM
Director objects
Level-2 managed systems
6 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide