4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette
This utility is for both RS-232 and RS-485 operation. It includes:
v The latest level of firmware for the printer
v A README file that describes how to use the utility program.
v A utility program that performs the following functions:
– Update printer firmware
– Configure the printer model
– Create, edit, and download SBCS user-defined character font, logo image,
and messages
– Edit and download DBCS code pages and DBCS user-defined character font
– Convert fonts and logo files from impact to thermal
v Sample files for the utility program:
– An SBCS user-defined character file
– A message file
– A logo file
v Utility program to enable/disable Model 4 Printer emulation (SBCS mode only)
v Utility program to change the printer mode between DBCS and SBCS
DBCS Code Page Download
SureMark models TI5, TG5, TF7, and TM7 can receive a DBCS code page from an
attached host system connected by an RS-485 cable (cable 7), an RS-232 cable, or
a USB cable.
The following mediums can be used to download a DBCS code page:
v 4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette code page download (RS-485 or RS-232
v POSS for Windows DBCS code page download (RS-485 or USB connection)
v 4690 OS V2R4 font download, when available
After downloading the latest level software from the Retail Store Solutions Web site
(see “Resources on the Internet” on page 43), use the appropriate procedure that
follows to download a DBCS code page.
4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette Code Page Download
Use the 4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette to download a DBCS code page to
a SureMark that is connected to a system unit by either an RS-232 or RS-485
To download a diskette font, perform the following steps:
1. Download the fonts diskette from the Retail Store Solutions Web site (see
“Resources on the Internet” on page 43).
2. Download the latest level of the 4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette from
the Retail Store Solutions Web site (see “Resources on the Internet” on
page 43). Place the file that you download, which is 4610dbcs.exe, in a
temporary directory. Run 4610dbcs.exe in a DOS window to create the
diskette. If you are using Windows NT, you might need to use FORCEDOS.
3. Insert the 4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette in drive A.
4. Power on the system unit to which the SureMark is connected.
5. Select Run Printer Utility for the RS-232 or RS-485 connection.
6. Follow the displayed instructions to complete the font download.
updated March 18, 2002
Chapter 3. SureMark Installation, Service, and Utility Software 31