v This command will increment status byte 6.
v Printing will not start until X'00' is received, or the end of a data packet in
v Data after any invalid character for a particular bar code will be
discarded. The printer will continue to wait for X'00'.
v If X'00' or an invalid character is received before the required number of
data bytes, zeros will be inserted following the data until the required
number is reached (for UPC-A, UPC-E, JAN13, and JAN8).
v Excess characters will be discarded.
v A check digit will be generated if one is not supplied for UPC-A, JAN13,
and JAN8.
v Check digits will be figured and added for Code 128C and Code 93.
v For UPC-E, the printer will expand the data, generate a check digit and
parse the data before generating the bar code (6 or 7 digits are
executed). If 7 digits are received and digit 1 is 0, the last 6 digits are
If digit 1 is not 0, digit 1 is used and the digit 7 is ignored.
v For CODABAR, a stop and start character is required.
v A leading zero will be added to the data for ITF bar codes if the data
received has an odd number of bytes.
v If a bar code width is greater than the paper width, the right of the bar
code is truncated, making the bar code unreadable.
v Barcodes printed on the document station are printed at a dot density of
150 dpi.
v Barcodes will always be printed in black, regardless of color printing
v CR station must be selected. If the DI station is selected, the command
is ignored and no error is reported.
Table 18. Code 128 character set
Value Code Value Code
Decimal Hex Set A Set B Set C Decimal Hex Set A Set B Set C
0 0 SP SP 00 55 37 W W 55
1 1 ! ! 01 56 38 X X 56
22““02 57 39 Y Y 57
3 3 # # 03 58 3A Z Z 58
4 4 $ $ 04 59 3B [ [ 59
5 5 % % 05 60 3C \ \ 60
6 6 & & 06 61 3D ] ] 61
77‘‘07 62 3E ∧∧62
8 8 ( ( 08 63 3F _ _ 63
9 9 ) ) 09 64 40 MUL ‘ 64
10 A * * 10 65 41 SOH a 65
11 B + + 11 66 42 STX b 66
12 C ‘‘12 67 43 ETX c 67
13 D ––13 68 44 EOT d 68
14 E . . 14 69 45 ENO e 69
updated March 18, 2002
Appendix C. RS-232 Programming Information 143