Related Publications and Diskettes
v IBM SureMark Printers: DBCS Hardware Service Manual, GY27-0397
v IBM SureMark Printers: DBCS Installation Utilities Diskette
v IBM 4693 Point-of-Sale Terminals Reference Diskette
v IBM 4694/4695 Point-of-Sale Terminals Service Diskette
v IBM Safety Information – Read This First, GA27-4004
v IBM SurePOS 700 Series: System Reference, SA27-4220
v IBM SurePOS 500 Series: System Reference, SA27-4255
v POSS Programming Reference and User’s Guide, SC30-3560
The diskettes are only available by download from the Internet. See “Resources on
the Internet” on page 43 for more information.
For information about ordering IBM publications that are not shipped with the
SureMark printers, contact your IBM representative or your place of purchase.
Where to Find More Information
A CD-ROM is available that contains books that are part of the IBM Retail Store
Solutions Library Collection, SK2T-0331.
Current versions of Retail Store Solutions documentation and downloadable
diskettes are available on the IBM Retail Store Solutions Web site. See “Resources
on the Internet” on page 43 for information about accessing the site.
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Between major revisions of this manual we may make minor technical updates. The
latest softcopy version of this manual is available under Publications on the IBM
Retail Store Solutions Web site.
updated March 18, 2002
x SureMark DBCS User’s Guide