For 9 ≤ n1n2 ≤ 400, the ECC level is assumed as a percentage of
the codewords in the bar code.
Select Aspect Ratio PDF417 Bar Code
RS-232 Syntax:
GS S r;c or X'1D;53;r;c'
r The height dimension for the ratio; 1 ≤ r ≤ 9.
c The width dimension for the ratio; 1 ≤ c ≤ 9.
This is not an exact ratio. The image will get as close as possible to the
ratio. However, the maximum width of an image is 12 columns and the
maximum height is 90 rows.
Enable PDF417 Truncation
RS-232 Syntax:
GS T n or X'1D;54;n'
n Whether to enable truncation.
0 = Disable truncation.
1 = Enable truncation.
Truncated PDF generates a symbol with the right row indicator and stop
pattern replaced by a single width bar. There is a slight degradation in
decode performance if truncation is enabled, which allows more data to fit
in the image width.
Print Character Commands
These commands should be sent after ASCII data is sent to the printer and is being
held in the print buffer. Any of these commands will increment the line count by 1.
(See “Status Byte 6” on page 162 and “Reset Line Count” on page 157.)
Print and Line Feed
RS-232 Syntax:
LF or X'0A'
Prints data in the print buffer and feeds the paper by a preset amount.
updated March 18, 2002
148 SureMark DBCS User’s Guide