048 (continued)
– Using the SSA Configurator and Service Aids Utility, select the adapter against which
SRN 49500 was logged.
– Select Spare Disk. No spare disk drives are listed.
– Using the Insert function, try to make a spare disk drive. (Use the default block size.)
Yes No
– Review with the user the requirement for hot-spare disk drives. If the customer
wants hot-spare disk drives, one or more disk drives must have their use
changed to Hot-Spare Disk.
If the customer does not want hot-spare disk drives:
– Go to “Modifying Attributes of Resources” on page 44.
– Change the Enable Use of Hot Spares attribute to No.
– Using the RSM configurator, select the array in question, then select the
Modify Attributes button.
– Go to “Creating an Array” on page 45, and create a hot-spare disk drive from one of
the listed candidate disk drives.
You have solved the problem.
Note: Because this problem has occurred, an error log is generated when the system
runs the health check program. To verify that the availability of hot spare disk
drives has solved the problem:
1. Run concurrent diagnostics to the adapter.
2. Verify that error code 049500 is
(From step 010)
The RAID Manager cannot fully create parity for this array. All read and write
operations can complete normally, but the failure of one disk drive can cause the loss
of some data.
The problem might be caused by a rebuild operation that is running on a array. You
must first check whether a rebuild operation is running. If a rebuild operation is not the
cause, the user must delete the array, then recreate it.
(Step 051 continues)
MAPs 2324-11