To install the latest version of the adapter microcode, follow the same instructions as
for disk microcode except that the download tool to use is ISSAADLD and file
extensions are .lxx, where xx identifies the adapter type (04 is for the IBM SerialRAID
Note: To check the latest instructions on how to download microcode, read the
README.TEXT file that is on one of the diskettes supplied with the adapter.
Finding the Physical Location of a Device
The physical location of a device (for example, a disk drive or an SSA RAID Adapter) is
not reported by the system for all disk subsystems, which means that the SSA Address
cannot be used. . The address of an SSA device is related to the position of
that device on the SSA loop. The address can, therefore, change if the configuration is
Finding the Device When Service Aids Are Available
When the service aids are available, use the Identify function to find the correct disk
drive (see “The Identify Function” on page 37). If you want to find a device that does
not have a Check light (for example, an adapter), you can either use the Identify
function to identify devices that are next to the adapter on the SSA link, or use the
procedure described in “Finding the Device When No Service Aids Are Available.”
Finding the Device When No Service Aids Are Available
When no service aids are available, you can find the device by using the port (P) and
SSA-address (AA) values that are provided by some service request numbers (SRNs).
Examples of these SRNs are 43PAA, 44PAA, and 45PAA.
The port (P) value can be a number 0 through 3. It indicates the port connector on the
SSA adapter:
0 = Connector A1
1 = Connector A2
2 = Connector B1
3 = Connector B2
The AA value is the decimal SSA-address value. It indicates the position of the device
that you are trying to find (counted
the SSA loop).
Use the port value to locate the relevant connector on the SSA RAID Adapter, then
follow the SSA cable to the first
device. Include other adapters as real devices if
they are in the same SSA link. Do not include dummy devices.
The first device that you reach represents SSA-address count 0. Continue to follow the
SSA links from device to device, increasing the SSA-address count by 1 for each
device, until you reach the device that is indicated in the SRN.
38 IBM SerialRAID Adapter Maintenance Information